Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wait, there was a game last night?!?!

Thanks to the Bettman and his idiotic deal with Versus/NBC, I had no idea that they were actually playing hockey again last night. I'm a pimp for the puck (if I can steal a line from Jim Rome) and I absolutely LOVE the sport.

You can ask my fiancée who puts up with me and the sport all season and longs for the days of summer when I actually pay attention to her. Her situation is much like Drew Barrymore's character in Fever Pitch. If you haven't seen it, Drew falls in love with a baseball freak in winter when he's appears normal and questions her decision when spring training starts and the real him appears (this also allows me to run a picture of the lovely Drew for visual effect).

Raised during the MTV generation (when they actually showed videos), my attention span is admittedly short. So when the Ducks finished off the Wings LAST Tuesday, I was ready to see the battle for the Cup. It would start by the weekend, right? Saturday would be a great night to start, right? WRONG!

Game 1 was scheduled for a Memorial Day Monday. Now, while I was back from a short vacation to enjoy a late afternoon BBQ at the folk's house, I wasn't in the mood (like many Americans) to come inside and enjoy some hockey. It's still nice at night here in Phoenix so we enjoyed the evening pool-side.

So, I guess I missed a pretty good game as the Ducks beat the Sens, 3-2. Hell, there were five days between games! I had almost forgotten that someone hadn't drank from the Holy Grail yet....seriously, five days between games? Who's scheduling these games - the NBA? Damn you, Bettman. You pay someone to show your games and you're still some one's bitch when it comes to the schedule?

At least I now know Game 2 is on Wednesday on Versus (hopefully, you get that channel, but probably not) and Game 3 is on Saturday on NBC.

At least there are no major horse races scheduled for that day.

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